Publications > Computer Lib/Dream Machines
Computer Lib/Dream Machines 1974
You can and must understand computers NOW.

“The most exciting book I’ve read in years! I am spending the rest of my afternoon reading this book. I can’t believe how accurate and timely Computer Lib is, forty years later! Wow!”
Meredith Broussard, Assistant Professor, NYU School of Journalism
“...the epic of the computer revolution, the bible of the hacker dream.”
Steven Levy in Hackers
“...the best-selling underground manifesto of the microcomputer revolution.”
Howard Rheingold in Tools for Thought
“Computer Lib inspired me as no other book has before or since.”
Mitch Kapor, founder of Lotus
“Computer Lib/Dream Machines was my Genesis, the place where it all started.”
Daniel M. Russell, Google
Computer Lib is the legendary bible of the personal computing revolution. The flip side, Dream Machines, accurately predicts the future impact of interactive computer graphics.
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