Publications > Possiplex
Possiplex 2010
My Computer Life and the Fight for Civilization

“I read it in one
non-stop surge because I couldn’t put it down. Like its
author, it’s fascinating, brilliant, and crazy... The book will be a winner. And
Xanadu will come.”
James Burke, author and
presenter of Connections and The Day the
Universe Changed
“...a rip roaring read. ”
Wendy Hall, former president of the Association for Computer
Machinery, the international association for computer scientists
“It is compelling reading.”
Maurice G. Eldridge,
vice president, Swarthmore College
William Dutton,
Director, Oxford Internet Institute
“Ted Nelson needs to set the record straight because the record is
absurdly bent. This is not the 21st Century I signed up for. ...
If you feel like someone pulled the Web over your eyes —
read this book!”
Daniel de Segovia
“This is [Nelson’s] story, warts and all. It explains what he
foresaw, what he wanted to do, what mistakes he made, and what
mistakes he didn’t make. ”
Gilbert Harman,
Department of Philosophy, Princeton University
Everybody wants to tell their story; I have special reasons. I have a unique place in history and I want to claim it. I also want to clear the air, substituting the true story for myth and misunderstandings about my life and work.
This is not a modest book. Modesty is for those who are after the Nobel, and that chance (if any) is long past. This is what I want known long after. Like Marco Polo and Tesla in their autobiographies, I am crazed for people to know my real story.
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